Monday, July 23, 2012

Final Project

Target Corporation, known pubically as Target, was founded in 1902 as a dry goods store Minneapolis, Minnesota. Throughout their hundred plus years of operation, this corporation has grown into the second largest retail store within the United States, falling only behind Wal-Mart. In Target's venture into retail royalty, their self-promotions have become even smarter in how they focus on reaching their comsumers. One way Target advertises is by linking together with the phenomenon that is By self-promoting through Facebook, Target is accessing all of their demographics and giving themselves opportunities to reach people they might not be able to solely with TV advertisements or on their main website, In addition to Target having its own Facebook page for the company, there are other Target stores that have gone a step further and created Facebook pages that align with their specific store/location, like this one in Minneapolis. This facebook page is specifically tailored to one Target store which allows for consumers in their area to see what is going on for their central Target. Through this Minneapolis page and through Target Corporation's head Facebook page, Target is maximizing their reach to all ages of consumers. There are even subpages that makes finding exactly what you want easier and more convenient, like establishing a Target Baby Facebook page which deals only with baby related deals, gift ideas, and much more for new parents or anyone with a baby in their life. Target also has a coupon page where Facebookers can find coupons in one localized area. By establishing a Facebook page that deals with the Corporation as a whole, and by also creating subpages, Target has grasped the concept that in order to reach consumers, they must go where their consumers are: Target has also made another business move that serves this purpose, as well. In 2010, the Corporation began selling Facebook Credit giftcards in their stores. By promoting Facebook and selling Facebook themed items, Target is sending more of their own consumers back to Facebook and, in turn, sending these consumers back to the advertisements they have placed on the website. In these stragetic moves, Target has found a way to positively self-promote and advertise through an online based company that will give their consumers easier access to their goods and gain them more in the way of profits. Based on Target's use of social media, their profits and image can only go up. Target is using Facebook to its advantage everyday a new post is written and pubished on their many Facebook walls. By creating a place within social media, Target is branding itself as a modern company, ready to help with any need that surfaces is in the lives of their consumers and, by choosing Facebook as an advertising medium, it is placing itself on the frontlines, gaining attention from consumers because Facebook is where consumers already are.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sample Screencast

My screencast is about...screencasting! It goes through, step-by-step, the ways to create your own screencast so that they get approved to be placed on this particular youtube channel. It gives the correct dimensions needed and the correct format. He says that introducing yourself is one of the first things that you need to do, etc. While he is talking, he has the rules portrayed on the screen so that the viewer can also read them while they are listening to him give additional information. Showing the rules while talking about them helps the viewer to receive all of the information being given, Since there is so much that he is having to go over, this method assures that the viewer is less mikely to miss information.